Pet Memorials
Welcome to Our Memorials Page
This page is dedicated to celebrating the pets who have touched our hearts. At Kentown Animal Hospital, we treasure the incredible human-animal bond and how it can impact our lives. Because of that, we want to provide a special space for you to honor and remember your beloved companion. Here, you can share cherished photos and heartwarming stories to celebrate a lost life. Whether it’s a funny moment or simply a favorite photo, take a moment to honor their memory with us. The pain we endure as a result of their loss pales in comparison to the selfless love and joy they bring to our lives.
To submit your tribute, please fill out the form below. Please allow a few business days for your submission to be reviewed and posted.
Bear Perciado
Bear was a great and awesome Dog , he loved our home and anyone that would stop by, he also loved to swim in our pool , when I would walk him and he saw someone he would have to say hi to them everyone on are street knew him if a Garage Door would open he wouldn’t move until who saw who it was , Bear loved Everyone.